The Brooks Room is available for organizations to reserve for public meetings. The Library Board of Trustees has established these Guidelines to ensure safe and fair use of the meeting facilities by all groups. These Guidelines are in accordance with the policies for use of any town owned building.

  • All meetings must be open to the public. Town of Wilbraham Boards and Committees may have a portion of their meeting in private or executive session unless otherwise disallowed by the Open Meeting Law.
  • One person from the group must assume responsibility for use of the Brooks Room and give his contact information when reserving it. The Library requires a responsible member of the requesting group to fill-out a Brooks Room registration form thereby signifying acceptance of these Guidelines. This form must be signed by a group representative annually.
  • Reservations should be made in advance through the Adult Services Librarian either in person or by telephone. Requests for any library equipment should be made at the time of the reservation.
  • The Brooks Room has a legal capacity of 150 people, although seating is available for only 75 people.
  • Group members are responsible to set-up the room.
  • A group wishing to meet in the Brooks Room may do so provided ten or more people will be in attendance. Groups attracting fewer than ten people on a regular basis will be asked to seek an alternate meeting place.
  • There is a charge of $25.00 per hour for the use of the Brooks Room by for-profit groups, businesses, or organizations. The Brooks Room may be booked not more than eight weeks in advance by these groups, and non-profit groups will be given priority in scheduling.
  • Kitchenette facilities are available. If refreshments are served, the facilities must be cleaned after use.
  • The Brooks Room must be left in a clean, safe, and secure condition. Turn off lights, close windows and doors, pick-up trash and dispose of trash in receptacles.
  • If the group has borrowed keys to the facilities, they must be returned either in person to the Circulation Desk at the close of the meeting or be placed in an envelope and returned through the Book Return on the side of the building.
  • No smoking or use of alcohol is allowed on library premises.
  • Use of the Brooks Room will not ordinarily be permitted for the purpose of soliciting business or participation in profit-making activities although incidental reference to publications or services is not prohibited if the basic purpose is informational.
  • Only the Wilbraham Friends of the Library and other non-profit groups that similarly support the library may charge a fee for events held in the Brooks Room. Other non-profit groups may charge a nominal fee to cover the cost of materials or a speaker's fee with prior permission by the library director.
  • Although groups which meet regularly and advocate a particular viewpoint (political, religious, or other) may use the Brooks Room subject to the rules listed here, preference will usually be given to occasional meetings, informational public meetings and library and town government events.
  • Library programs will be given preference in use of the Brooks Room
  • A group may not use the Brooks Room more than twelve times in a calendar year.
  • Individual political candidates may not use the Brooks Room for campaign purposes.
  • The Brooks Room may not be used when the library is closed except as follows:For meetings started before closing time on days the library is open to the public; For library events and programs; For town government purposes when a town employee or official is present at the meeting; When a library employee is contracted in advance to open the building and remain while the meeting is in session. (The library employee must be paid overtime by the contracting group. Overtime rate is set by the town.)
  • If, based on the advice of the Library Director and the Library Board of Trustees, special security coverage is deemed necessary for any meeting or event, the group using the room will be financially responsible for that security.
  • Please note that while regularly scheduled town government business and informational meetings are covered by the town’s liability insurance, special events open to the public are not covered unless sponsored by the library or town.

The Library Board of Trustees may grant permission for the use of the Brooks Room to any group or individual who does not meet the qualifications set forth in these Guidelines. Facility use requests that have been denied in accordance with these Guidelines may be referred to the Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees for appeal.

Updated and Approved by the Board of Trustees, 01/15/2013